Sunday, December 26, 2010

AUDITION is on Goodreads!

I've read all the stuff about how you shouldn't use your blog to promote your book too much but here's the story... Christmas Day is drawing to a close.  Batman's asleep and the big boys are playing with their new games and reading their new books.  Husband and dog are dozing by the fire. Compulsive writer-chick (me) pops onto Facebook to see which friends have posted adorable pix of their kids.  Somehow, I wind up on Goodreads and discover (not quite sure how I got there) that AUDITION is now listed..

There's no cover, just a placeholder and I'm not on any lists or anything, but WOW.  Somehow I find it so cool!  Merry Christmas to me :) 


Izzy G. said...

That's awesome! I put it on my to-read list :)

storyqueen said...

Congratulations! It's the first step in really believing that the book is real....



Stasia said...

THANKS, Izzy! And agreed, Shelley, seeing my title on Goodreads did make it feel just a little bit more real. - Stasia

Molly/Cece said...

So very cool!