Plot without spoilers...Danny is gymnast with dreams of a college sports scholarship. Kurt is a football player trying to escape the nightmare of his troubled past. Then, a horrific incident of school violence binds them into an unusual friendship. Cohen's exploration of a terrifying side of high school athletics is counter-pointed by fascinating depictions of the diverse individuals who make up sport teams, each with different reasons for playing and different lengths to which they'll go to protect their teammates.
Literary highlights...Cohen tells his story from the alternating viewpoints of Kurt and Danny, often revisiting the same incident in two consecutive chapters, giving readers an almost cinematic experience of a given scene. His descriptions of Danny's routines on the high bar make you feel like you're flying through the air with him. And the way Cohen writes football behemoth Kurt's stutter is heartbreaking--a great metaphor for the involuntary silence that has been invoked upon others in the story.
Finally, just gotta say...LEVERAGE made me think hard about the pain not-belonging can cause--the risks some teens take, and the cruelties they are willing to inflict upon others, to avoid being alone. This is an important story on the topic of bullying but, more importantly, it is simply a powerful and terrific read.
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Can't WAIT to read this book. Catherine has been talking about it forever and it looks fantastic! Great review, Stasia!
Holy schmokes I have to read this. Sounds like a powerful book. Love how you broke up the review into sections. Very organized and easy to follow. Very insightful too. Nicely done. Looking forward to reading Leverage!
Wow. I hadn't heard of this yet, but I'll be adding it to my to-read list now! Thanks!!!
Thanks for stopping by, Lila, Carolina & Carrie! LEVERAGE is definitely worth a read and Josh Cohen is a former dancer, so he's awesomely cool in my book!
This sounds intriguing! And I love that it sounds different and new and fresh. Can't wait to read! This is Cory Jackson BTW.
Wow. This sounds fascinating. I know it's been a hot book among the Bookanistas. I can't wait to read!
Thanks Cory & Katie. And, agreed, this book is special. My teenage son grabbed LEVERAGE arc as soon as I finished it. Direct quotes from him: "it's really intense" and "a lot more meaningful than a lot of other books I've read."
I love books that have an almost cinematic feel by showing the same scenes from different perspectives (like RULES OF ATTRACTION by Bret Easton Ellis). This book seems intense! But in a good way.
Haven't read RULES OF ATTRACTION. Adding to my to-read list. Thanks, Shana!
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