Monday, March 26, 2012

Back to...Business? Or Bacon??

First, don't forget you can still enter to win a SIGNED COPY OF AUDITION over at Goodreads.  Seriously, though, lest you think we authors are all work and no play, I share with you an "updated" cover for AUDITION with the handy addition of a gift from a truly talented and insanely hilarious writer friend.

I have become obsessed with Mr. Bendy McBacon and have photographed him in a number of er, literary poses.  More on my Tumblr.

If you want to see how funny I can be in person, you could ENTER TO WIN AN AUTHOR VISIT with me!  If you're not a teacher or librarian or anything, you could just TELL your nearest teacher or librarian about this instead--I will totally give you credit.

WHAT DO YOU DO when this whole writing business makes you NEED A LAUGH?

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