Monday, December 31, 2012

And Happy New Year!

Wow, last Monday was Christmas Eve and now we're on the cusp of 2013. Resolutions, anybody?

Writing-wise, I want to turn in my current ms on schedule and complete two w-i-p's before starting up the "book-coming-out" chaos that will be upon me next New Year's.

As a reader, despite my busy writing schedule, I want to read at least one just-for-me/just-for-fun book a month. Twelve titles. How hard can that be? (I'll let you know.)

Personally, I've GOT to start an exercise routine. I'm at that tipping point, I think, where if I don't start exercising, things are really going to start breaking down and it'll be too late to stop 'em.  Maybe I should start taking ballet lessons again as that's truly my first love and a "step" in the right direction. (Advice on the exercise front always appreciated.)

Anybody else making themselves some promises today?  Sending you very supportive karma for

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