drawer, it was an intense month and an exhilarating experience to pass that 50k word mark in 30 days. I learned lot about myself as a writer. Since then, I've published two novels with Viking, been battered around a bit by the industry, and continue to work with other writers who have books in the pipeline. And I've got a few thoughts and tips to share about the NaNo experience.
1. NaNo is like boot. It's amazing to move your muscles way more than usual, learn your limits, your aptitudes and your optimal style of exercising/drafting.
2. NaNo forces you to avoid line-edits, ignore your inner critic and write with a wonderful amount of freedom.
3. NaNo, like an intense gym work-out, can leave your manuscript (like your muscles) a little sore, imperfect and longing for a slower, more measured pace of work.
4. Please stick the manuscript in a drawer for at least a week (or possible until New Year's) and allow your brain to rest and regain some perspective. While it's marinating, search the web for your favorite 10 (or more) "How to Revise Your NaNo Novel" articles. Print them out. If it's gonna take time, print out your novel, too, so it's ready to read on whatever date you have selected.
5. Trust me. Your NaNo manuscript is not a finished product and does not represent your best work. It may have great potential but SEE #s 3 & 4 above. Do not send this unrevised baby to an agent or editor.
6. Seriously, don't.
7. Be aware that agents and editors get thousands and pages of NaNo novel submissions in December, just before they take a holiday vacation. (Heard any good "Editor walks into a NaNo Write-In... jokes?) They do not enjoy this and it nearly assures your work a nap in the slush pile.

NOW...GOGOGOGOGO and get all you can out of this writing adventure.
It's like broccoli--good for you and someday you may like it!