First, as I've been assigning myself weekly blog maintenance tasks, I may be getting carried away. Do let me know if you like the new layout (added L & R columns, search box, my name in the subhead, and a "grown-up" profile pic).
Now, on to more serious matters...I am such a word nerd that I've actually been tracking the un-words I've had to type in the process of posting comments on blogs? Has it struck you that frequently, the un-words feel almost like real words? Searching the web for images to illustrate this point, I found hilarious pictures of verification words that named historical villains, described amorous activities, and even accidentally wished you well. In moments of astonishing procrastination, I play stupid wordgames like this one in which I make up definitions for verification pseudo-words.
bundly - A state of being well-dressed for cold weather
badmer - Opposite of a goodmer, which would be interesting if "mer" meant anything in English. Well, it is a prefix referring to the sea, so "bad sea," perhaps in the vicinity of a BP oil rig.
eulgab - When a person goes on too long while delivering a euology
creeing - Rhymes with... (okay, my ten-year-old suggested this one)
smsist - No, you tiny virtual person, I "sim-sist"!
frostsom - When the grass on your front lawn is covered with frost, the yard looks frostsom
Seen any funnies lately? Got better definitions? Been gifted with a "kindly" or "fudgy" verification word lately? Know a more insanely, time-wasting web game? Think I should take a break from the blogosphere? Drop a comment!