So, it's been a crazy few weeks. My eldest graduated high school and got a new girlfriend. My
youngest finished first grade. My middle two are performing, partying and adjusting to summer. And me...?
Well, I've been dealing with some health stuff. It's all good and I'm fine but it's been one of those "biopsy springs." TMI? Probably. And I'm generally the kind of blogger who doesn't get personal, talk politics or badmouth anybody. But it's interesting what a few weeks of fear-of-mortality will do for one's attitude.
With no further ado, a few opinions I've been swallowing...

Removal of body parts. Recently, rocker and breast cancer survivor Melissa Etheridge weighed in on Angelina Jolie's dramatic health decision, suggesting that she was "fearful" and that many people with the dangerous gene just try to "not stress" and it all works out. So, um, first, it ain't Ms. Etheridge's business. And, second, after having gone through the "tests" process more than once, I am not certain that every person could live with the uncertainty Ms. Jolie faces and "not stress" for the rest of her life. Even if the outcomes have been, like mine, unpleasant but benign. (Rhyming is sometimes impossible to resist.) Should Angelina have told the world about her choice? Her body, her bully pulpit, so fine by me. I just don't really think outsiders should judge. Even if they do still blame her for breaking up Brad and Jen. ALSO, that line between what uncertainty we can survive and what can break us is THE STUFF OF NOVELS--it's the space in which we writers create. So, yeah, think about it!
Goodreads. So, I could pretend to be all Melissa-Etheridge-zen about this but, yeah, I look at my ratings (and kudos to those of you who manage not to). And yeah, I know they're pretty much baloney and some people love the power of giving one star to stuff and other people just give five stars to everything (which is fine with me because, while not particularly useful, it is does not seem malicious). HOWEVER, for some reason (and again, I've had a rough spring), I got kind of pissed yesterday when I saw a 4-star rating for my new book. WHY? Because there is no way this international blogger could have gotten her hands on a copy. The arcs are NOT PRINTED YET. And a four seemed weird. I guess she didn't think it was a five-star
title? Whatever. Honestly, I think such weird random ratings devalue Goodreads (a site I truly enjoy) even more than whatever Amazon plans to do with it. ALSO, would it be so hard for people to have the minimal honor system of at least not RATING a book without reading it? I mean, fine, vote for it on lists, mark as to-read, leave a comment, but RATING without reading? SO. VERY. LAME.
My kitchen. I am EXTREMELY JAZZED by the new tile in my kitchen. Here's a picture. Look closely. See the bunnies and turtles? They're scattered all along the walls. My 12yo loves turtles; my 7yo loves bunnies; and I love the two of them. My kitchen tells you so. You should see the rest of my house ;)
1. Have I deeply offended you? Shocked you? Surprised you?
2. How do you feel about Goodreads?
3. Do you like my new tile?

Back to nice-girl tomorrow. I think. Well, maybe...