Here's the (okay, I went a little crazy) schedule of Audition Blog Tour stops, plus a few fun detours. Here and there, there'll be prizes (referring you here to 9/28's Swag Attack post) & surprises. Hope you'll hop along from time to time to...
OCTOBER 1 Eve’s Fan Garden
OCTOBER 3 Good Books and Good Wine
OCTOBER 4 YA Bliss and Arts in YA feature week at The Page Turners Blog
OCTOBER 6 The Book Cellar
OCTOBER 7 Princess Bookie
OCTOBER 9 Missy Reads Reviews
OCTOBER 10 G Reads
OCTOBER 11 The Book Scout
OCTOBER 12 Author Spotlight at YA Contemps
OCTOBER 13 Haunted Halloween at Confessions of a Bookaholic; More than Just a Book
OCTOBER 14 The Story Siren
OCTOBER 15-16 Debut feature at Badass Bookie
OCTOBER 16 Red House Books
OCTOBER 18 The Well-Read Wife
OCTOBER 19 Good Choice Reading
OCTOBER 20 Bloggers (heart) Books
OCTOBER 21 A Backward Story
OCTOBER 22 Books Devoured
OCTOBER 23 A Backward Story & Reclusive Bibliophile
OCTOBER 24 Literary Rambles
OCTOBER 25 The Hiding Spot
OCTOBER 26 The Undercover Book Lover; The ModPodge Bookshelf
OCTOBER 27 Novel Novice
OCTOBER 28 A Good Addiction
OCTOBER 29 Bookalicious
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Bookanistas: Get Ready for Teen Read Week & Ballet Manga
From the awesome spokesperson, Jay Asher, to the fantabulous Teen's Top Ten novel nominees, TRW is gonna be great. It runs October 16-22, but I'll be in the thick of Audition launch insanity and the Stages on Pages live book tour, so here's my little heads-up-get-ready post!
This year's theme, PICTURE IT AT YOUR LIBRARY, celebrates graphic novels and other illustrated materials. After hearing Scott Westerfeld discuss the lost art of the illustrated novel, I've been inspired to seek out more illustrated lit. Check out this spectacular BALLERINA GRAPHICA!
TO DANCE, "...a candid view of an individual for whom ballet is essential to a fulfilling life" (Booklist, starred review), and SWAN, the classic 1970s manga series about ballet.
Do you have any plans for Teen Read Week this year? Maybe you'll get some ideas from the Bookanista linkies below...
Elana Johnson interviews Elle Strauss, author of Clockwise
LiLa Roecker disscusses S R Johannes's e-book experiment
Christine Fonseca is wowed by The White Assassin - with giveaway
Shannon Whitney Messenger loves Lola & the Boy Next Door – with giveaway
Beth Revis delights in The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer – with giveaway
Shelli Johannes-Wells falls for Fracture
Carolina Valdez Miller adores Ashfall – with giveaway
Jessi Kirby marvels at The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Shana Silver steps up to Audition
Corrine Jackson is crazy about Cracked
graphic novels,
Teen Read Week
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Swag Attack!
This is just some of the cool stuff I'll be giving away at stops along my blog tour next month. Swing back on Friday for the complete schedule!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Audition Book Trailer!
So many thank-you's are involved in this book the amazing Lisa & Laura Roecker, who put it together, to the wonderfully talented Kayla (dancer) and Jordan (filmmaker) who helped me create the raw footage, to Kristi for debuting it at The Story Siren last week. And, thanks to you for taking a look!
book trailer,
Lisa and Laura Roecker
Monday, September 26, 2011
In case you missed it...a kissing scene!
For some behind-the-scenes scoop on writing kissing scenes (or if you just wanna see what my husband looks like!), check out YA LIT 101 below!
contemporary YA fiction,
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Banned Books Week has begun!
Recently, I was contact by a parent who was worried because she had purchased her son a copy of THE HUNGER GAMES only to discover it was on a banned books list. She wanted to know if I thought her son would get in trouble for reading it at school. After reassuring her that this would not be the case (and, if it was, half the class would be slammed for that one while the other half got caught reading Twilight!), I just sat back and thought, wow. Suzanne Collins has written a wonderfully-crafted, exciting read that, in my opinion, is also a terrific piece of social commentary on our current obsession with reality television. The recent suicide of a cast-member-adjacent personality from the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" (I shirk to even write the title in this post since I'm embarassed to know it) shows me how prescient Collins' novel really was.
So, anyhow, I'd just like to know how many folks who get on the book-banning wagon watch Jersey Shore or Survivor or the aforemention rich-ladies-with-big-houses-insulting-each-other-show.
(Okay, that was me telling you what to do--sorry, just consider it a suggestion)
banned books,
reality television
Friday, September 23, 2011
Go check out the AUDITION book trailer...
book trailer,
LiLa Roecker,
Story Siren
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bookanistas: POSSESS by Gretchen McNeil
Fantastic hot-but-how-can-I-like-him boy crisis...The adorable Matt Quinn. Can Bridget be falling for the son of the man she holds partly responsible for the death of her father?
Badass heroine jewelry...Bridget's bracelet. A charm, a protection, a memory, and a fashion statement even though "...the raised scrollwork was not quite as defined as it had been when she first put it on...." (p. 128)
Why you should read this book...It has a genuine mystery feel. Don't get me wrong, the book is packed with cool supernatural stuff and an authentic, sweet relationship between Bridget and her brother, Sammy. But what makes POSSESS unique for me is that is has the kind of classic real mystery structure you rarely see this days, complete with a murder, a second crime, red herrings, and awesome clues to follow. Gretchen McNeil's book makes me hark back to some favorite novels by Josephine Tey and Arthur Conan Doyle with an added paranormal element. Actually, JT (and, uh, I don't mean Justin Timberlake) and ACD featured their share of supernatural stuff, too, now that I think of it :)
What are the rest of the Bookanistas gushing over this week?
Elana Johnson shivers over Shifting
Christine Fonseca is definitely Falling for Hamlet
Shelli Johannes-Wells contemplates The Future of Us
Shana Silver finds Fateful Fabulous
Sarah Frances Hardy leads you into the Circle of Secrets
Corrine Jackson delights in a Hex Hall & Demonglass double feature
Badass heroine jewelry...Bridget's bracelet. A charm, a protection, a memory, and a fashion statement even though "...the raised scrollwork was not quite as defined as it had been when she first put it on...." (p. 128)
Why you should read this book...It has a genuine mystery feel. Don't get me wrong, the book is packed with cool supernatural stuff and an authentic, sweet relationship between Bridget and her brother, Sammy. But what makes POSSESS unique for me is that is has the kind of classic real mystery structure you rarely see this days, complete with a murder, a second crime, red herrings, and awesome clues to follow. Gretchen McNeil's book makes me hark back to some favorite novels by Josephine Tey and Arthur Conan Doyle with an added paranormal element. Actually, JT (and, uh, I don't mean Justin Timberlake) and ACD featured their share of supernatural stuff, too, now that I think of it :)
What are the rest of the Bookanistas gushing over this week?
Elana Johnson shivers over Shifting
Christine Fonseca is definitely Falling for Hamlet
Shelli Johannes-Wells contemplates The Future of Us
Shana Silver finds Fateful Fabulous
Sarah Frances Hardy leads you into the Circle of Secrets
Corrine Jackson delights in a Hex Hall & Demonglass double feature
Gretchen McNeil
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I got home from KidLitCon on Saturday night, my head nearly exploding with new ideas and a little bit giddy from all the fun. Being just three weeks from the publication of my debut novel, I had to jump back into the fray and catch up on all kinds of work stuff. Thus, this post got a bit delayed and, honestly, I'm still in a massive rush. BUT the two-day event was so fantastic that I MUST write something. So, here's my quick grocery list of awesome things and people...
Oh, yeah, that's me with Scott Westerfeld |
- Elissa Cruz, Rosanne Parry & Katherine Schlick Noe "From the Mixed-Up Files" on group blogging, from logistics to dynamics and beyond
- Scott Westerfeld's fantastic keynote on illustration in novels
- Suzanne Young and Sara Gundell on author-blogger promotion teams (swing by Sara's blog, Novel Novice to see a little vlog I decided to film with her encouragement--heehee!)
- Holly & Shiraz Cupala on DIY book marketing (amazing data from an adorable couple)
- Michelle Ann Dunphy and Allison Tran on podcasting (I'm so gonna try this)
- Plus meeting so many fun and fantastic writers and bloggers--too many to name.
- Oh, and have I mentioned the free morning coffee and evening wine in the charming Hotel Monaco lobby, or the yummy snacks and appies? Well, I have now!
L-R Me, Mindi Scott, Suzanne Young, Kelly Jensen, Sara Gundell |
Sorry this is so quick. I just wanted to make sure I got something up about this terrific weekend as soon as I could.
For a complete list of attendees, click here. And for some far better wrap-up posts about KidLitCon 2011, click here!
KID LIT CON 2012 will be in NYC.
If you haven't already,
check out KidLitosphere Central.
KidLitCon 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
TEEN READ WEEK is one month away!
With a host like the awesome JAY ASHER and a focus on graphic novels and illustrated materials, it's gonna be a great week.
And some "PICTURE IT" books to look forward to:
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Letters plus pen-and-ink illustrations a gorgeous merging of words & pix |
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Internet-future-romance from AOL to Facebook of the Future |

Friday, September 16, 2011
Goodreads Giveaway Ends Sunday
You can win a signed, annotated arc of AUDITION.
Enter here:
Good luck :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Bookanistas: FRACTURE by Megan Miranda
On the uniqueness of the hot boys (plural)...Yes, there's a mysterious sort-of love triange here. Our hero, Delaney, is drawn to the shadowy Troy while confused by the complicated twisty turns her relationship with long-time friend (and super-hottie) Decker is taking. Haven't we all found ourselves faced with the friend-maybe-boyfriend conundrum at some point in time? It feels very real here.
Best use of clothes in a novel...From the bright, red parka into which she bundles Delaney early in the story, to the lime green sweater she has her "accidentally" buy her mom for Christmas, the author has a way of creating fabulous characterizations with color and fabric.
Why you should read this...Yes, it's an awesome mystery with a fascinating premise, great paranormal elements and some wild medical details. But beyond this, FRACTURE is an elegantly crafted story about a girl, about love and friendship and, at its core, about what makes life worth living.
For more Bookanista book love, click away...
Elana Johnson is in a tizzy over Texas Gothic
LiLa Roecker celebrates Something Like Hope
Christine Fonseca is transformed by Shifting
Shannon Whitney Messenger takes a shine to So Silver Bright – with giveaway
Scott Tracey is on board for Starship Academy
Beth Revis shouts about The Name of the Star
Shana Silver loves Lola and the Boy Next Door
Rosemary Clement Moore is distracted by Alien Invasion & Other Inconveniences
Sarah Frances Hardy adores Birdie’s Big Girl Dress
Carolina Valdez Miller goes gaga for Glow and Shifting – with giveaway
Best use of clothes in a novel...From the bright, red parka into which she bundles Delaney early in the story, to the lime green sweater she has her "accidentally" buy her mom for Christmas, the author has a way of creating fabulous characterizations with color and fabric.
Why you should read this...Yes, it's an awesome mystery with a fascinating premise, great paranormal elements and some wild medical details. But beyond this, FRACTURE is an elegantly crafted story about a girl, about love and friendship and, at its core, about what makes life worth living.
For more Bookanista book love, click away...
Elana Johnson is in a tizzy over Texas Gothic
LiLa Roecker celebrates Something Like Hope
Christine Fonseca is transformed by Shifting
Shannon Whitney Messenger takes a shine to So Silver Bright – with giveaway
Scott Tracey is on board for Starship Academy
Beth Revis shouts about The Name of the Star
Shana Silver loves Lola and the Boy Next Door
Rosemary Clement Moore is distracted by Alien Invasion & Other Inconveniences
Sarah Frances Hardy adores Birdie’s Big Girl Dress
Carolina Valdez Miller goes gaga for Glow and Shifting – with giveaway
Megan Miranda
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wordy Wednesday: WISHES
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
One month 'til pub date
Butterflies in the stomach does not describe it. Brontosaurauses (Brontosori???), several, stomping in my gut. Or, maybe pirouetting...
This book is SOOO cute :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Have you checked out "Any New Books"?
So, I've kind of gotten to love this service. I get their weekly updates on Children's, Art, and Teen publications. It's fun to see what new books I can buy AND it serves as an illustrated ('cause the updates come with cover pix!) report of what's happening in a given genre week by week.
So, as Icreep race toward my pub date, I sometimes get a little clutched noticing the preponderance of paranormal/dystopian next to the teensy little list of contemporary.
Don't get me wong, I can't wait to read...Sapphique, Reckless, Torrent, Day of the Dead, The Shattering, The Poisoned House, Deadpool, Shelter, Vanish, The Hidden, After, Sweet Venom, All These Things I’ve Done (all on the New Books list for 9/8).
But, in case you're wondering, pretty much all that was left on September 8 list after that was Dear Bully (contemporary/anthology), The Beginning of After (contemporary), and one misfiled book on flower arranging (which honestly looked kind of interesting).
Just sayin...
So, as I
Don't get me wong, I can't wait to read...Sapphique, Reckless, Torrent, Day of the Dead, The Shattering, The Poisoned House, Deadpool, Shelter, Vanish, The Hidden, After, Sweet Venom, All These Things I’ve Done (all on the New Books list for 9/8).
But, in case you're wondering, pretty much all that was left on September 8 list after that was Dear Bully (contemporary/anthology), The Beginning of After (contemporary), and one misfiled book on flower arranging (which honestly looked kind of interesting).
Just sayin...
contemporary YA fiction
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Winners & Witch Eyes
Happy Release Day, Scott Tracey!
And congrats to my dystopian debut mystery title winners: Petra & Michelle!
(If you're into Random Acts of Publicity, the above could be considered a BLuRT for Scott.
Look out for a super-fun one tomorrow and be sure to share some random love on your blog, twitter, fb, etc., too!)
Bookanistas: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
So, the two AMAZING debut novels for which I just don't dare write plot summaries are...
by Michelle Hodkin
by Megan Miranda
Now, without further ado, here's my LIPS-ARE-SEALED-NO-WAY-I'M-GIVING-THIS-PLOT-AWAY review for MARA.
The uniqueness of the hot boy...Whether you think he's bad or good, Noah Shaw is unarguably gorgeous--especially in a white shirt.
Best heroine's bedroom...The delightful decor described on page 49! Me want a bedroom where "small, ceramic roses dripped from the arms of the chandelier..." Don't you?
Why you should read this book...A most exhilarating twist at the end--and a revelation about both Mara and Noah Shaw that you WILL NOT expect. But, of course, my lips are sealed :)
Want more Bookanista fabulosity? Click away!
Elana Johnson shares some book love for Random Acts of Publicity Week
LiLa Roecker celebrates Something Like Hope
Christine Fonseca thinks you should Write Your Book Now!
Shannon Whitney Messenger loves Legend – with signed arc giveaway
Scott Tracey: Today is Witch Eyes release day – wowza!
Jessi Kirby gets inside Sean Griswold’s Head
Sarah Frances Hardy applauds Lottie Paris Lives Here
by Michelle Hodkin
by Megan Miranda
Now, without further ado, here's my LIPS-ARE-SEALED-NO-WAY-I'M-GIVING-THIS-PLOT-AWAY review for MARA.
The uniqueness of the hot boy...Whether you think he's bad or good, Noah Shaw is unarguably gorgeous--especially in a white shirt.
Best heroine's bedroom...The delightful decor described on page 49! Me want a bedroom where "small, ceramic roses dripped from the arms of the chandelier..." Don't you?
Why you should read this book...A most exhilarating twist at the end--and a revelation about both Mara and Noah Shaw that you WILL NOT expect. But, of course, my lips are sealed :)
Want more Bookanista fabulosity? Click away!
Elana Johnson shares some book love for Random Acts of Publicity Week
LiLa Roecker celebrates Something Like Hope
Christine Fonseca thinks you should Write Your Book Now!
Shannon Whitney Messenger loves Legend – with signed arc giveaway
Scott Tracey: Today is Witch Eyes release day – wowza!
Jessi Kirby gets inside Sean Griswold’s Head
Sarah Frances Hardy applauds Lottie Paris Lives Here
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Have you been to this amazing blog run by the delightful Dawn? The name alone, SHE IS TOO FOND OF BOOKS...AND IT HAS ADDLED HER BRAIN, draws me right in!
One of my favorite features of this blog is the SPOTLIGHT ON BOOKSTORES, celebrating indies across the U.S. I'm thrilled to be contributing to this great list today. Check it out!
One of my favorite features of this blog is the SPOTLIGHT ON BOOKSTORES, celebrating indies across the U.S. I'm thrilled to be contributing to this great list today. Check it out!
independent bookstores,
Third Place Books
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Don't forget your extra clue!
Games can be as exciting as the moment before the curtain goes up on opening night! So, if you’ve got the jitters and are looking for an extra clue…both covers feature water.
IF YOU HAVEN'T STARTED PLAYING THE Guess-the-Debut-Arcs game, go HERE to learn how.
And, if you're curious about my STAGES ON PAGES Book Tour GO here!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Think you're a winner?
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
The winner of signed copies of A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL, RIPPLE and THE BODY FINDER is...
Sarah R.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
BOOKANISTAS: Book Reviews without Plot Spoilers - GUESS & WIN!!!
I like to write my own plot summaries for Bookanista reviews. Maybe it's pride--I want to prove I've really thought about the books. Recently, I've read two amazing YA debuts (a fall 2011 & a spring 2012) that I can't summarize for fear I'll give something vital away. These books are forcing me to find a new review paradigm.
This international contest ends at midnight, Pacific Time, September 7, 2011. Everyone who guessed both titles will be entered in a random drawing for the arcs. Titles and the arc winners will be announced here and on Facebook on Thursday, September 8.
If you send friends to the contest, comment below. Reward: Entry into the drawing even if you only guess ONE title. New review format suggestions are welcome, too. HAPPY GUESSING!
Wanna know what the other Bookanistas are talking about this week?
Elana Johnson succumbs to The Eleventh Plague
LiLa Roecker travels to The Day Before
Shannon Whitney Messenger swoons over Flyaway by Lucy Christopher – with giveaway
Scott Tracey is overwhelmed by A Vast Field of Ordinary
Jessi Kirby wonders at What Happened to Goodbye
Shana Silver is mesmerized by Possess
Corrine Jackson's Blogiversary celebration continues with YA Authors on Lessons Learned
Veronica Rossi says bravo to Daughter of Smoke and Bone
If you can, you could win an arc of one, the other,
or BOTH! Entering is easy...
- Go to the Audition by Stasia Ward Kehoe facebook page & "like" it (if you don't already)!
- Click on the DISCUSSIONS tab in the left-hand menu (don't worry--there's only one discussion).
- Leave your guess (2 TITLES, PLEASE) in the discussion string. You can submit ONE GUESS (different title or combo, obvs) every day!
This international contest ends at midnight, Pacific Time, September 7, 2011. Everyone who guessed both titles will be entered in a random drawing for the arcs. Titles and the arc winners will be announced here and on Facebook on Thursday, September 8.
If you send friends to the contest, comment below. Reward: Entry into the drawing even if you only guess ONE title. New review format suggestions are welcome, too. HAPPY GUESSING!
Wanna know what the other Bookanistas are talking about this week?
Elana Johnson succumbs to The Eleventh Plague
LiLa Roecker travels to The Day Before
Shannon Whitney Messenger swoons over Flyaway by Lucy Christopher – with giveaway
Scott Tracey is overwhelmed by A Vast Field of Ordinary
Jessi Kirby wonders at What Happened to Goodbye
Shana Silver is mesmerized by Possess
Corrine Jackson's Blogiversary celebration continues with YA Authors on Lessons Learned
Veronica Rossi says bravo to Daughter of Smoke and Bone
debut novels,
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